Architects often rely heavily on hand-sketching to represent their ideas to others, but many have never formally studied what makes a good perspective sketch. Elements of perspective sketching such as medium, subject, and composition are examined along with analysis of the technique’s benefits for other aspects of an architect’s work. We introduce and briefly address several technical skills which perspective sketching both requires and cultivates, including the treatment of negative space, correct perspectival construction, shade and shadow, tone, color, and entourage. Considering the underrated nature of good sketching, some suggestions for incorporating sketching practice into one’s daily regimen are put forth.
Chamberlain, Samuel. 1926. Sketches of Northern Spanish Architecture: In Pen, Pencil, and Wash. New York: The Architectural Book Publishing Co.
Chamberlain, Narcissa. 1984. The Prints of Samuel Chamberlain, N.A.: Drypoints, Etchings, Lithographs. Boston: Boston Public Library.
Edwards, Betty. 1979. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. Los Angeles: J. P. Tarcher, Inc.
Eggers, Otto. 1922. Sketches of Early American Architecture. New York: The Architectural and Building Press, Inc.
Goodhue, Bertram Grosvenor. 1914. A Book of Architectural and Decorative Drawings. New York: The Architectural Book Publishing Co. [Download available at Texas Tech University Libraries website].
Guptill, Arthur Leighton. 1922. Sketching and Rendering in Pencil. New York: The Pencil Points Press.
https://library.columbia.edu/libraries/avery/digital_projects.html (consulted on 18/03/2023)
https://www.romasparita.eu/foto-roma-sparita/ (consulted on 18/03/2023)
Robert, Hubert. 1760. Roman Sketchbook. New York: The Morgan Library and Museum. [Digital images available at Morgan Library website].

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