The main goal of this renovation project was to demonstrate that traditional techniques, using local materials handled by craftspeople, are today a viable solution to the current sustainability challenge. The project of Can Buch has consisted of adapting the farmhouse for rural tourism and converting the former barn into the owner's house. The aim of the tourist facility is to provide income to the owner's family and at the same time an educational venue for customers, an environment for reconnecting with nature.
Bertrand, Bernard. 2019. Vivir sin petróleo. El gran libro de los recursos vegetales. Artaza: La Fertilidad de la Tierra.
Roselló, Oriol. 2019. Can Buch o la rehabilitació Km 0 com a estratègia tradicional contemporània. Masia i Territori: II Congrés del Món de la Masia. Institució Catalana d'Estudis Agraris (ICEA).
Roselló, Oriol. 2020. Architectural renovation using traditional technologies, local materials and artisan's labor in Catalonia. In Mileto, Camilla; Vegas, Fernando; García-Soriano, Lidia; and Cristini, Valentina (Eds.): The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIV-M-1-2020, 137–143.
Roselló Oriol. 2020. Can Buch, rehabilitación y bioconstrucción: Un proyecto para recuperar las virtudes territoriales y sociales de la arquitectura tradicional. EcoHabitar, XVII, 66.

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