The Reconstruction of Historic German City Centers in the Twenty-First Century: The Cases of Frankfurt and Dresden


Urban regeneration
Historical memory
Historic fabric
Second World War

How to Cite

Gómez Llopis, R. (2023). The Reconstruction of Historic German City Centers in the Twenty-First Century: The Cases of Frankfurt and Dresden. Journal of Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism, (4), 311–331.


Twenty-first century Germany is undergoing a highly particular urban development process: over 75 years after the end of the Second World War, we are seeing a new wave of reconstruction in the historic city centers destroyed during that conflict. These initiatives, originating from public demand, involve a combination of precise reconstructions and wholly new projects. In order to understand the interest of these processes for contemporary urban design, we take two case studies: Frankfurt, in the territory of the former West Germany, and Dresden, in the former East Germany. Both processes set out from unsatisfactory urban situations as a result of rebuilding in the first forty years after the war. In response to this, they introduce a new fabric that restores the historic townscape and contextualizes local urban landmarks. Legible, well-defined urban ensembles are thereby created.


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